27 member states of the European Union
EFTA / EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
EU candidate countries: Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia
and Partner countries
Partner Universities
List of partner universities
No. | University code | University name | Country | City | Website | Nature of cooperation |
CROATIA | ||||||
1 | HR PULA01 | Juraj Dobrila University of Pula | Croatia | Pula | http://www.unipu.hr | Management, Finance and Accounting |
2 | HR RIJEKA03 | Busness School PAR | Croatia | Rijeka | https://par.hr/?lang=en | Management, Administration |
3 | HR SPLIT01 | University of Split | Croatia | Split | http://www.unist.hr/en/international/students/incoming | Dietetics |
4 | CZ PRAHA26 | Unicorn Vysoka skola s.r.o. | Czech Republic | Praha | https://unicornuniversity.net/en/erasmus | Management, Finance and Accounting |
CYPRUS | ||||||
5 | CY NICOSIA32 | Cyprus institute of Marketing in Cyprus | Cyprus | Nicosia | https://cima.ac.cy/ | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
6 | CY NICOSIA24 | European University Cyprus | Cyprus | Nicosia | https://euc.ac.cy | Psychology |
FRANCE | ||||||
7 | F BORDEAU58 | University of Bordeaux | France | Pessac/ Bordeaux | http://www.u-bordeaux.fr | Management, Finance and Accounting |
8 | F PARIS270 | Association Leonard de Vinci | France | Paris | https://www.devinci.fr/en | Computer Science |
9 | F BICETRE02 | EPITA- Graduate School of computer science | France | Paris | https://www.epita.fr/en/ | Computer Science |
10 | F ANJOU02 | Association D’Enseignement Technique Superieur ESAIP | France | Angers | https://en.esaip.org/erasmus-2/ | Computer Science |
GERMANY | ||||||
11 | D WISMAR01 | Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design | Germany | Wismar | http://www.hs-wismar.de | Management, Finance and Accounting |
12 | D LUNEBUR01 | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | Germany | Lüneburg | https://www.leuphana.de | Psychology |
13 | D MARBURG01 | Philipps Universitaet Marburg | Germany | Marburg | https://www.uni-marburg.de/en | English Philology, German Philology |
IRELAND | ||||||
14 | IRLLIMERIC01 | UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK | Ireland | Limeric | www.ul.ie/global/incoming-students/erasmus-students | Psychology |
ITALY | ||||||
15 | I ROMA23 | Universita Europea di Roma | Italy | Rome | https://www.universitaeuropeadiroma.it | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration, Psychology |
16 | I SASSARI01 | University of Sassari | Italy | Sassari | http://www.uniss.it/ | Management, Finance and Accounting, Political Science, Law |
17 | I PALERMO01 | Universita degli Studi di Palermo | Italy | Palermo | http://offweb.unipa.it/ | Management, Political Science |
18 | I ROMA21 | Universita degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi | Italy | Rome | unimarconi.it/uploads/2021/09/guida_studente.pdf | Computer Science, Psychology, Political Science |
19 | I MILANO15 | Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele | Italy | Milano | https://www.unisr.it/en/servizi/internazionale/erasmus-studio | Psychology (English classes available only in the summer semester) |
20 | I PERUGIA06 |
Universita per Stranieri di Perugia |
Italy | Perugia |
https://www.unistrapg.it/it/international/international-students/erasmus-incoming-0 |
Italian Studies |
LATVIA | ||||||
21 | LV RIGA29 | RISEBA University of Applied Sciences | Latvia | Ryga | http://www.riseba.lv/index.php/en/ | Management, Finance and Accounting |
22 | LV RIGA01 | University of Lativa | Latvia | Riga | www.lu.lv/en/admissions/exchange-studies/ | Management, Political Science |
LITHUANIA | ||||||
23 | LT VILNIUS02 | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – VILNIUS TECH | Lithuania | Vilnius | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | VILNIUS TECH | Computer Science |
24 | LT KAUNAS08 | Kauno Kolegija | Lithuania | Kaunas | https://www.kaunokolegija.lt/en/international-kk-erasmus/#1700652874618-ca2b267e-87eb | Dietetics |
MALTA | ||||||
25 | MT MALTA02 | Malta College Of Arts Science And Technology | Malta | Mosta | https://www.mcast.edu.mt/full-time-programmes/ | Fashion Design |
PORTUGAL | ||||||
26 | P LISBOA05 | Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa | Portugal | Lisbon | https://www.iscal.ipl.pt/en/erasmus-en | Management, Finance and Accounting |
27 | P LISBOA03 | Universidade Nova De Lisboa | Portugal | Lisbon | https://www.fcsh.unl.pt/en/international/ | Computer Science |
28 | P PORTO16 | European Business School-ISAG | Portugal | Porto | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration | |
29 | P MONTE-D02 | EGAS MONIZ, CRL Instituto Universitario Egas Moniz (IUEM) | Portugal | Almada | https://www.relintegasmoniz.pt/index.php/students/incoming | Psychology |
30 | P PORTIMA02 | Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes — COFAC | Portugal | Portimao | www.ismat.pt | Fashion Designe |
ROMANIA | ||||||
31 | RO BUCURES13 | National University of Political Studies and Public Administration | Romania | Bucharest | http://snspa.ro/en/ | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
SLOVAKIA | ||||||
32 | SK PRESOV02 | Vysoka skola medzinarodneho podnikania ISM | Slovakia | Presov | http://www.ismpo.sk | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
33 | SK ZILINA01 | Zilinska Univerzita v Ziline | Slovakia | Zilina | http://www.uniza.sk | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration, English philology-only for teachers |
SLOVENIA | ||||||
34 | SI CELJE 03 | International School for Social and Business Studies | Slovenia | Celje | http://www.issbs.si | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
35 | SI NOVA-GO07 | Nova Univerza | Slovenia | Nova Gorica | http://www.nova-uni.si | Law, Management and Administration, Accounting and Taxation, Political Sciences and Civics |
36 | SI NOVA-GO02 | School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica | Slovenia | Nova Gorica | https://www.fuds.si/en/ | Psychology, Political Sciences |
37 | SI LJUBLJA30 | Ljubljana School of Business | Slovenia | Ljubljana | https://www.vspv.si/en/practical-information/international-office | Management |
SPAIN | ||||||
38 | E BARCELO33 | LCI Barcelona Escuela Superior S.L.U | Spain | Barcelona | https://www.lcibarcelona.com/ | Fashion Design |
39 | E VALENCI02 | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Valenica | Only Staff exchange: Management, Finance and Accounting | |
40 | E MADRID12 | Universidad Nebrija | Spain | Madrid | http://www.nebrija.com | Management, Finance and Accounting, Psychology, Political Science |
41 | E ZARAGOZ01 | Universidad de Zaragoza | Spain | Zaragoza | http://www.unizar.es | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
42 | E MONDRAG01 | Mondragon University | Spain | Guipuzcoa | https://www.mondragon.edu/en/home | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
43 | E MADRID26 | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | Spain | Madrid | https://www.urjc.es/ | Psychology, Computer Science, Political Science, Dietetics |
44 | E SANTAND01 | Universidad de Cantabria | Spain | Cantabria | https://web.unican.es/en/Studying/admission/exchange-students | Computer Science |
45 | E CASTELL01 | Universitat Jaume I (UJI) | Spain | Castello de la Plana | https://www.uji.es/ | Computer Science, Management, Finances and Accounting |
TURKEY | ||||||
46 | TR DIYARBA01 | Dicle University | Turkey | Diyarbakir | http://www.dicle.edu.tr | Management, Finance and Accounting, Administration |
47 | TR ISTANBU25 | Istanbul Aydin University | Turkey | Istanbul | http://www.aydin.edu.tr | Management, Finance and Accounting, Political Science, Psychology |
48 | TR ISTANBU46 | Uskudar University | Turkey | Uskudar | https://uskudar.edu.tr/en | Management, Finance and Accounting, Psychology, Political Science, Law, Computer Science |
49 | TR MARDIN01 | Mardin Artuklu University | Turkey | Mardin | http://www.artuklu.edu.tr | Management, Finance and Accounting |
50 | TR ISTANBU10 | Istanbul Ticaret University | Turkey | Istanbul | https://ticaret.edu.tr/ | Management, Psychology, Finance and Accounting, Political Science, Administration |
51 | TR IZMIR10 | Izmir Bakircay Universitesi | Turkey | Seyrek | https://bakircay.edu.tr/detay-menu.aspx?id=39 | Psychology |