27 państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej

państwa EFTA/EOG: Islandia, Liechtenstein, Norwegia

państwa kandydujące do UE: Turcja, była Jugosłowiańska Republika Macedonii

Incoming Students

ERASMUS Incoming Students Guide 

UEHS Erasmus Factsheet 2023-2024                                   

Course catalogues winter semester 2024-2025

Erasmus+ Incoming Students

All exchange students should be nominated by their home universities using the NOMINATION FORM


Nomination deadlines:

Winter semester: May 30

Summer semester: November 30


Application deadlines:

Winter semester: June 30

Summer semester: December 30


Academic Calendar

Winter semester: 1st October – 28th February

Summer semester: 1st March – 30th June


How to apply?

All students are required to apply online using our online application system.

Choose a field of study:

Bachelor study programs
Master study programs
Management (Bachelor degree)      Management (Master degree)
Finance and Accounting (Bachelor degree)    Finance and Accounting (Master degree)
Political Science (Bachelor degree)
Psychology (Bachelor degree) Psychology (Master degree)
Computer Science (Bachelor degree) 
Dietetics (Bachelor degree)
English Philology (Bachelor degree)


Students are required to upload to the online system the following documents:

  • A recent photo (35×45 mm)
  • ID card (for the EU citizens) and passport for non-EU citizens
  • Proof of language proficiency (English or Polish)
  • Health insurance
  • Transcript of Records from Home University
  • Secondary School Certificate for Bachelor degree and Bachelor Diploma for Master degree
  • Visa if required (more info: https://immigration-portal.ec.europa.eu/index_en)
  • Students need to keep their login credentials to the online application system. They will need it to access the system when they come to Poland.


Academic Housing Network

Academic Housing Network offers the possibility of accommodation while studying for Polish and foreign students. We offer places in single, double, triple and quadruple. Getting to the University shall not exceed 30 minutes.

The flats include a kitchen for common use by roommates, bathroom and toilet. The rooms are equipped with basic furniture – beds, desks, wardrobes.

Detailed information can be obtained by writing at incoming@vizja.pl.

IMPORTANT! The UEHS accommodation office does not guarantee accommodation for nominated students – the number of places is limited.

 Learning Agreement

We accept Online Learning Agreements (OLA) signed according to the EWP platform (Erasmus Without Paper) guidelines.
UEHS uses OLA platform for these purposes.

Health Insurance
Medical insurance is obligatory for all foreign students.
European Students
To be eligible for public medical services during your stay in Poland, it is necessary to bring your European Health Insurance Card.

Non-European Students
You must enquire in your country what type of insurance will be the best one during your stay in Poland. The most comfortable option will be the insurance, which will allow you to get a refund for medical treatment. Please, make sure to settle the insurance matters. It is very important, and it will protect you from incurring additional costs. If you do not have insurance, you will have to pay for a medical appointment – approximately PLN 200-300 (or more for consulting a specialist).


Preparatory Language Courses

Language Preparatory School aims to prepare future students for their studies conducted in Polish or English.

Completion of the language course gives you the opportunity to participate in classes and smooth functioning in the academic environment. If you want to improve your language skills to start English or Polish taught studies or if you want to learn from the scratch – Preparatory Language School is the right choice for you. Check it out.

Learn more about POLAND

Grading System

Local Grade ECTS Grade Explanation
6/5 A EXCELLENT – outstanding performance with only minor errors
4+ B VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors
4 C GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors
3+ D SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
3 E SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria
2 FX/F FAIL – some more work required before the credit can be awarded

Grading Table